There are many variables associated with costs actually charged in a real estate closing. For instance, a cash deal can be much easier to close than one involving mortgage financing on the part of the buyer.
Some closings involve out-of-state sellers and / or buyers where the closing documents are executed and sent back, via US Mail or overnight shipping (FEDEX). These closings are commonly referred to as “mailaways”.
Although many costs associated with closings are similar, determining exact costs can only be computed by discussing the specifics of your closing with a title closing agent.
Recording Fees:
Each closing will incur charges for recording of documents, doc stamps, and intangible taxes, which are based on the number of document pages to be recorded, the sales price, or the loan amount. These charges are best determined at the time of closing.
Property Taxes:
Are usually prorated between seller and buyer, but this depends on the terms of the contract.
Miscellaneous Charges:
Charges such as homeowner association fees, condominium fees, homeowner and / or flood insurance premiums, survey reports, termite inspections, etc. will be charged and show on the settlement statement. These charges vary by property and are best determined by your title agent prior to closing the transaction.
Closing Costs:
These are all the costs incurred by the title agency for its administrative work in preparing and closing the transaction. Overnight charges and file processing or storage fees are bundled into one figure referred to as “Closing Costs.” These costs can vary greatly between title agencies, depending on the type of transaction.
Please call us at 727-392-5906, and we will be happy to quote your closing.